Poet's Wolfenstein 3-D mods

Click the links in the menu to the left to go to the page of each mod.

All of my mods (SDL) come with a new exe.

Please note: Unless otherwise stated, my SDL mods require that you own a registered version of Spear of Destiny by ID Software in order to be played. See the included txt-files for details.

The original DOS versions of some of the titles are posted on each respective game's page. The DOS versions require either the Wolfenstein 3-D or Spear of Destiny game files in order to be played. Some of the DOS versions come without a new exe.


About my mods:

All my mods consist of complex maps that offer a lot of tough action, surprises and unpredictable situations. The player often has a choice of moving, making the maps' gameplay develop differently depending on the player's choices, and increasing the replay value of the mods.

My maps have particular emphasis on exploring. All space within the maps' limits is used making it possible to figure out what portions of the maps, e.g. secret areas, one has not yet visited. Necessary items are sometimes found in secret areas. But secret doors to these areas are always marked/suggested in some way, or the secret area can be localized geographically (rooms/sections you can see into and/or determine are there by moving around them, but where the area is not accesible through ordinary doors). It is never necessary to search for secret doors randomly all over the map.

Some of my mods, i.e. The Tower, Wolf-Extra III and Wolf-Extra Ultimate, and my total conversion A Doll's House, also include a lot of tough puzzles. Hint manuals with detailed walkthroughs for these are available, see the 'Manuals' tab.



Recent updates:

There are no new version numbers! But if you download any of my SDL mods after reading what's listed below you will get the latest version!


UPDATE 18. October 2022, Enemy Around the Corner: A machinegun added to the opening of level 7. Health items added to the last secret level.


UPDATE 17. October 2022, Wolf-Extra II: Some minor corrections/adjustments and more health and ammo items added to all levels.


NEW 10. November 2019: Wolf-Extra Epilogue 21


UPDATES 29. August 2019:

All my SDL Wolfenstein mods have been updated. Unless otherwise stated beneath, the updates only include very minor audio or visual changes.

Wolf-Extra III, part 6:

IMPORTANT: A treasure ratio error has been corrected.

Players have told me that this episode's tune was rather overpowering. The tune has accordingly been changed.

Wolf-Extra Special Version and Enemy Around the Corner:

Although the SDL versions of these mods (like all my SDL mods) are compiled for Spear of Destiny, these mods were originally made for Wolfenstein 3-D, using music found only in Wolf3D. Without the Wolf3D music these mods did not feel optimized. I have amended this by adding customized audio files to these two mods which now include 'Enemy Around the Corner' (title music for the mod of the same name), the 'War March' and 'Pacman' tunes for Wolf-Extra Special Version, and several others.

The Tower:

Players have also informed me that a rather intricate level in this mod had a rather wearisome tune. This has been changed with a couple of other changes to the music order.

Wolf Hour:

The same wearisome tune has been replaced in the big and complex secret level of this mod, along with a couple of other music changes. This mod too was originally designed for Wolfenstein 3D, but I feel that the present selection of tunes (from both Spear and Wolf3D) works optimally with this mod.


Update 2018, Level 80: A serious elevator error fixed.


Next mod >

Paal Olstad p-olstad@online.no

Poet's Wolfenstein 3-D site